When is a holiday not a holiday?

So just a heads up to everyone, and with apologies for being a bit of a downer potentially, but I’d never heard of any sort of daughter's day or son's day before this past week, so I did some cursory digging around.

UPDATE: So there is some legitimacy to the day, at least local to Edmonton, but I'm still not sure if the social media photo campaign was really part of it or if the event might have gotten hijacked a bit by more nefarious parties, but here's some info, with thanks to Kevin Guenther Trautwein for the tip! Daughters Day website

The main two sites I use for tracking such things list no such day, and the closest thing to it would be a Sons and Daughters Day in August, and Universal Children’s Day on November 20, which was declared by the UN and actually listed on their website. I had to go into some sketchier sites before I could find any mention of these other "holidays" and at least one of these sites stated that they were still trying to confirm a source.

So not saying that it’s not celebrated somewhere by someone, but I am saying I have not been able to find any official or reliable information so far.

The added warning that would go with this post is that sharing any information on social media, or anywhere on the interwebs really, should be done very carefully. Definitely do NOT fill out those “fun” surveys or questionnaires, and unfortunately I would dial up the caution with almost anything that you haven’t double checked for authenticity. Even responding to things like those “who recognizes what this thing is?” posts effectively reveals your age bracket for marketing and demographic tracking, at the very least.

For holiday info, I use the following two sites, and even then do a bit of crosschecking on some of the things I find:

Also took a look at Wikipedia, which admittedly also has its flaws and issues but is at least a place to start, and nothing there either:

So just saying please be careful out there. No one wants to end up on the wrong end of a social engineering experiment…


Moonshots: Indigenous Comics, Indigenous Voices


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