Two markers

I’m sitting here in my kitchen, still awake and processing an intense day.

Today I marked the start of a significant new chapter... student orientation for my return to grad school. Library school, to be precise. I’ve found more of my people.

I also marked the end of an entirely different chapter, just a plot thread in my life, really, but an entire beautiful story of and on its own... a massive memorial service for a beloved teacher at my kids’ high school, whose life was ended too soon by suicide.

And those were just the two big markers. It was quite a day.

My world was very different a year ago. The pace of transformation over the last six or seven years has not slowed. And the year ahead looks to be no different.

But if I just look at now, this moment... all I can say is that I am so so grateful. For my life. The people in it. The opportunities. The joys. The sorrows.

Sending my love to each of you, and to your loved ones.

And now I’m tired. Good night, my friends.


9:30 pm morning breath


Happiness: a thought experiment