
So the Black Riders blog has returned…

This little corner of the world wide web has lived many lives in its twenty-five-odd years in virtual existence. In this, its… fourth? fifth?… full-number iteration, we bring you a bit of a look back as well as a looking forward. A rediscovery along with a reinvention.

It pulls together past elements of the site, and the company, as well as content, personal and professional, that used to live out in the wilds of the interwebs. And we hope to reclaim more and also create more.

Our core values, or maybe they’re our mission… and we’re also not entirely sure which “our” we mean… have also been an ongoing exploration, but at the moment they sit at these three statements:

Live a Curious Life

Make Things

Leave the World Better

I think we’ve got the first two covered… we’ll see about the third…


Alphabetizing your ABCs


Welcome, circa. early 2021