Fighting for the light

Ooof. January was a hard hard month. It may not always show, or maybe not much — I am mostly back to operating at a “normal” level, I think, after some rough days — but I am also keenly aware of how little spare bandwidth I have, emotionally, mentally, physically. It doesn’t take much to drop me from “normal” to zero, and I don’t seem to have any levels in between.

Tomorrow brings another funeral, but also another soccer game to watch. My one assignment is in, in a program I love, but I am stressing already about two more that start Monday. Work is brilliant, though it exists in the eye of a storm, it sometimes seems. My life is good, but the struggles of those around me weigh heavily. There are joys and there are shadows.

So I want to take this moment to just stop and say thank you to my people, my communities, my friends. Thank you for your unflagging support, for your help even when I forget to ask for it, for making me laugh, for inspiring me.

There is so much that seems to be going wrong in the world right now, but you are why I keep fighting for the light.


Advice for working from home


A rather comfortable tension