
Realized I hadn't really shared our year-end concert video for Kokopelli Choirs, then got to pondering why.

It has been such a hard year, and yet still filled with beauty and joy and inspiration. I have found it hard sometimes to celebrate the good things, knowing the hardship that was out there, often so very close to me.

But look at us. We're still here. We did things. We made things. We grew and learned.

Full disclosure: I'm not in a lot of the things that my choir contributed to this concert. At so many moments I just ran out of steam and just... couldn't. But I did what I could, and others did what they could, and here is this thing that we have collectively made.

So I share this with gratitude and admiration and, yes, a bit of pride, for all the people who put so much of themselves into this video, and into this past season.

I also share it with a touch of sorrow, for I think it likewise doesn't hide what the past year has cost us, what we lost even as we found strength in our gathering. I am glad that I was able to sing in the closing piece, in memory of my friend, fellow Òran tabby, and Kokopelli Board member, Wade Brown.

This is the year that was for my choir family.

May you laugh, may you cry, may you ever find hope in what we can, and will, be.


Thing Explainer


I have a problem…