A subversively hopeful act

Some days are hard for no apparent reason. You feel a little off. Life feels empty. Everything just seems like more of a struggle. Yesterday was one of those days, or at least started out that way. But that’s when you close your eyes and take a deep breath, then seek out a spark, a connection, a reason to be grateful, a reason to take just one more step. Sometimes a spark is all you need, and it’s surprising how often you’ll find even more, if you take a moment to look around, reach out, ask for help.

But one of the secrets I’ve learned is that you don’t actually need to find anything, you just have to look. It’s a subversively hopeful act... to just reach out into the dark and look around.

From a favourite bit of random reading off the interwebs: “I know, sometimes life lands a really mean punch in the gut and it feels like there’s nothing to be grateful for. Guess what? Doesn’t matter. You don’t have to find anything. It’s the searching that counts.” – From New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy


Welcome, circa. 2018a


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