the mental mulch pile
Please note that this might be the full Mental Mulch Pile (click here to reload), or it might possibly be just a filtered subpile…
You can also take a look at just the top of the pile here…
What do we do about Facebook?
Every technology… every tool… that has ever been invented has the potential to be used for good or for evil…
When inaction becomes a choice
Admitting when you make a mistake is already hard. Admitting you made a mistake that ended up hurting others is even harder…
How to Accidentally Help Save a Heritage Building
So back in September 2016, I did a Pecha Kucha presentation where I talked about helping to save McDougall Church in downtown Edmonton from sale and possible demolition…
On friendship
So much on my mind today…
Technology and connection
So tonight's pondering is on the topic of technology and connection. And the position that I am going to argue is that no communications technology is inherently bad…
Choose wisely
When my father was a mere eleven years old, he left home and entered a military academy whose expressed purpose was to train the next generation of military officers…
Today, and every day
Today, and every day, I am thankful…
Drift or swim
What's on my mind? A fair bit, as is my natural state, it would seem. So here's the thing...
Fighting the good fight
So I realized that my "curation" of my social timelines is awfully similar to my parenting style, with all the associated challenges…
Sometimes with grains of sand
In the face of a week that has contained a measure too much tragedy, pain, and personal disbelief at the insanity of the world, I want to publicly declare that I will not back down…
For all of us
If you know me, I think you’d say that I’m a pretty level-headed guy…