the mental mulch pile
Please note that this might be the full Mental Mulch Pile (click here to reload), or it might possibly be just a filtered subpile…
You can also take a look at just the top of the pile here…
Mermaid SeaSystems Logo
Mermaid SeaSystems is a biotechnology firm using genomics technology to solve problems in natural and built water environments.
We worked with their Operations Manager and the company Founder / Chief Technology Officer to develop their new corporate logo.
Introducing the Butterflies and Aliens Library
My friend Stacey Kondla and I have finally decided to do a thing! We are delighted to announce the launch of the Butterflies and Aliens Library of Literary Eccentricities and Rarities, a new website and blog through which we hope to spread some of our love of all things bookish!
We’re excited to start the new year with something new. Let us know what you think!
Something Bookish Visual Identity Project
Something Bookish is the new editing and manuscript consulting company founded by my friend Stacey Kondla. She needed a logo, business card, and website, so we developed an icon comprised of the tools of her trade: pen, manuscript, and reading glasses. This is what we came up with…