A borrowed rant…

My apologies to my readership — all three of you — for not posting anything recently, but I’ve been sidetracked by a few other projects in the past number of days. However I am committed to posting as I am able, even if they might be some shorter bits.

For today, I want to share with you “A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design” which captures some of my own feelings about the direction in which we are headed. I should say up front that I am both an unapologetic book nerd and unabashed tech geek, so know that I love “Pictures Under Glass” as a technology… in its proper place. But one very simple reason that I still love reading a book in its “traditional” format is this: I can know, without having to look or even consciously register, exactly how far I am into the book and how much more I have to read. I can feel it in the thickness of paper I am holding in each hand.

Keep that in mind as you read “A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design”


Welcome, circa. 2012–2013


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